Bribri Indigenous Experience

Approx. 5 hours

Caribbean Coast


The Area of Conversation of the Indigenous Peoples is the administrative center of the Talamanca region, and it is located a few kilometers past Bri Bri. This is land that has been preserved for different ethnic groups. You will gain an understanding of the customs of a typical Bri Bri family, as well as their history, culture, beliefs, and extensive knowledge of medicinal plants, during your visit. You will also enjoy learning about a different way of life and watching how they build things. In addition, you will get a taste of homemade chocolate and learn all about this wonderful natural gift. The trip will come to an end with a pleasant stop at one of the nearby waterfalls, where you can swim.

From $65

Price varies by group size

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Recommended Age

Children must be at least 5 years old to participate.


Transportation is included from Hotels near or in the center of Manzanillo, Puerto Viejo and Cahuita. For Hotels located outside the area or far away from these, there may be extra charges, please consult with our experts.

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